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$200 x 200 campaign

  • 05 Sep 2008

Te Araroa Trust is starting a $200 x 200 appeal to fund its central office.

"The news recently that DoC has $3.8 million to spend on Te Araroa routes across the public estate does not relieve the pressures on Te Araroa Trust," said Te Araroa's CEO Geoff Chapple.

"Our various administration costs now come in at around $40,000 a year. We're pretty sucessful at getting track budgets from various funding bodies, but administration costs, and extraordinary one-off costs, are always hard to secure. We'd like funds, no strings attached, to pay for accounting - including our handling of GST for some of the regional trusts - insurance, secretarial, and general office expenses.

"Most of the work is done out of two rooms in my house, so costs are low, but we're now dealing with a lot of queries, and processing a lot of financial transactions," said Chapple. "These will build up in the years through to Te Araroa's completion. DoC will now do its bit on the public estate. Regional and district and city councils are also increasingly supportive, but it's usually Te Araroa Trust and its regional trusts that take the initiatives, do the vital routefinding work, and raise the trail budgets. All this work relies on Te Araroa Trust's central office support.

"Around $40,000 a year for the office would be a terrific blessing for us," said Chapple. "We figure if we could get 200 people to donate $200 that would look after these costs for the year ahead. This is a citizen trail, and we're appealing for citizen support."

Every donor will receive a receipt, and donations are tax deductible. If you wish to donate, please fill in the on-line credit card form; or contact us on; or post to Te Araroa Trust PO Box 5106, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141; or ph. 09 445 0524 or fax 09 445 0527. The 200 donors will be listed on Te Araroa's website, by name or anonymously if they wish.

Page last updated: Jul 28, 2020, 5:08 PM